Black Girl College Prep enhances the academic prowess, leadership development, skill-building, confidence, and overall life readiness of learners from underserved communities in middle school and up.
Do you have a student who needs help with:
We've got you! Black Girl College Prep makes the college admission, career readiness, and post-high school process more exciting, easy, and effortless for students and their families.

Uncovering their passions, talents, and boosting their confidence
Mastering goal setting, organization, time management, communication, and problem-solving skills
Gaining a solid understanding of financial literacy, financial aid, and future financial planning
Developing leadership skills that set them apart
Exploring diverse career options, perfecting their resume, and interview prep
Navigating the college search, application, and admissions process with ease
Deciding between the best path for their future, whether it's trade school, work or college
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New Release
Unlike traditional mainstream college prep books, College Bound is written specifically with the Black girl in mind, addressing unique challenges stemming from racial disparities in high school graduation gaps and a lack of access to education, resources, and opportunities to better prep them for life beyond high school.
For Black girls specifically, this time is crucial for the formation of their identities, the realization and ownership of their purposes, and acquiring skills and knowledge necessary to mitigate future risks of intersectionality (racism, sexism, inequalities, and other disadvantages) that could create unnecessary obstacles in the future.
College Bound is a resource-rich road map for teenage and young adult Black women preparing for college and life beyond! This comprehensive guide offers tools for smart and strategic future planning, covering EVERYTHING from junior year of high school through college graduation. Checklists, exercises, chapters on the application process, scholarships, budgeting, debt management, resume writing, interview practice, and more included! This book provides readers with the affirmation, self-assurance, and tools necessary to be successful on their journeys.
• How to identify, celebrate, and leverage their diversity (Black Girl Magic)
• How to complete the college, financial aid, and scholarship application process
• About wage gaps, avoiding debt, and financial freedom strategies
• The importance of skills, trades, and entrepreneurship for Black girls
• Ways to identify gifts, talents, and passions to best select college majors
• Strategies for implementing positive mental health practices
• Tips for making friends, navigating PWIs, HBCUs, and the social scene
• Time management, critical thinking, decision-making, conflict resolution, and communication skills
• How to build effective study habits, boost GPA, develop resilience, and more!

This guide is here to affirm, empower, and help middle school-aged girls tap into their wildest potential while planning a bright future.
With this book, students will:
Imagine the type of woman they want to become
Discover their passions and skills while exploring career options
Learn healthy self-care, communication, and positive mental health tips
Uncover steps to becoming a responsible teen and future leader
Unlock the secrets to academic success with study tips, time management techniques, and advice on making smart choices
Learn to navigate cultural challenges, celebrate their heritage, and stand tall in a world that will sometimes try to dim their light
Create a step-by-step plan to achieve their goals: Get insider tips on college admissions, financial aid, and scholarships. Discover resources to help them find the perfect fit for their future. And more!
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This Signature Course is available on-demand as a 2-hour course for students and families or an eight-week curriculum for organizations and schools. The BGCP Signature was specifically designed to cater to and address the needs of Black girls, equipping them with the knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the transition from high school to the next chapter of their lives.
This course/curriculum is a perfect integration for existing curriculums or as a stand-alone, consisting of eight downloadable, high-quality interactive workbooks packed with information, activities, and journal prompts to accompany the eight modules or eight weekly lesson plans. Lesson plans are delivered via video animation and in bite-sized chunks to captivate your learner’s attention.
This curriculum covers EVERYthing from identity, confidence, and self-esteem to goal setting, college applications, financial literacy, college funding, essay writing, and college alternatives. A fun and user-friendly facilitator’s guide is included as well.
By the end of this course, learners will leave with a thorough understanding of the college admissions process, the components associated with it, and how to get organized and apply.
They’ll gain skills to properly format and write applications and essays, set SMART objectives, and research college information while proactively organizing data. Students will walk away with a plan of action for thoughtful college and career decision-making.